WOD Thursday 20/07/2017

A) 10mins to work:
Touch and go box jumps

B) Amrap in 15mins of:
Run 200m
20 Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg)
10 Box jumps, 30″ (24″)

Post rounds, reps and box height to comments.


WOD Wednesday 19/07/2017


Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

-Move immediately to the bench press from the pull-ups. 
-Rest as needed between rounds.

Post load and reps for both exercises in all rounds.

WOD Tuesday 18/07/2017


Clean and jerk

-Must be a squat clean and split jerk.

Post all seven working sets to comments.

WOD Monday 17/07/2017

Guys if you haven’t sorted a team for the Allstar affiliate team series and you’re keen to give it a go, come chat with one of our coaches. We would love to help you get involved in this fun scaleable series, we already have 3 teams heading down. Remember, anyone can do it!!

27-21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Kettlebell swings, 32kg (24kg)
Toes to bar

Post load and time to comments.


WOD Saturday 15/07/2017

Individually or in pairs complete the following,

10rds for time of:
20 Ring push-ups
10 Hang power cleans, 52.5kg (35kg)

-HPC reps must be synced in a team of two.
-Break ring push-ups up however between pair.

Post load and time to comments.

WOD Friday 14/07/2017

A) Back squat

-From the racks.

B) Weighted push-up

-Superset reps.

Post loads for working sets to comments.

WOD Thursday 13/07/2017

A) 10mins of rowing technique and efficiency.

B) For time:
Row 500m
75 Wallball shot, 10kg (6kg)
50 Pull-ups
25 Burpees

Post load and time to comments.