WOD Thursday 19/01/2017

A) In teams of 2-3,

10mins to accumulate your highest total (kg) effort for your 1RM:
High hang power snatch

-From the pocket.
-Quality locked out reps count only.
-Highest score from each team member totalled together eg. 45+55+50 = 150kg

Then immediately start,

B) In teams of 2-3 complete the following sequence,

Ascending ladder in 17mins of:
3 Hang power snatch, 42.5kg (30kg)
3 Calorie row
6 Hang power snatch
6 Calorie row
9 Hang power snatch
9 Calorie row

Continue increasing the reps by 3 until the time is up.

-One bar, one load and only one athlete working at one time.
-Break reps up however between team.
-1 calorie = 1 rep.

Post load and total team reps completed to comments.

WOD Wednesday 18/01/2017

A) 16mins to find your 2RM:
Weighted dip

-Rings or P-bars.
-Strict reps only.

B) “Karen”

For time and sets:
150 Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg)

-For an extra challenge use, 15kg deadball or (10kg) medicine ball.

Post loads, time and sets taken to comments.

WOD Tuesday 17/01/2017

A reminder that registrations are open for this years CFGO. We would love to see everyone get on board for the five weeks 🙂


21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlift, 100kg (75kg)
Toes to bar

Post load and time to comments.


WOD Monday 16/01/2017

Push jerk

-Bar taken from the racks.

Post all seven loads for working sets to comments.

Team WOD, Saturday 14/01/2017

United States Army Capt. Benjamin David Tiffner, 31, of West Virginia, died Nov. 7, 2007, when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq, while he was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.

In 1996, Tiffner was nominated by Senator Robert Byrd to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He graduated from the Academy in 2000. After six years of service, Tiffner graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course and was assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne).

Tiffner’s mother, Judith, said her son always wanted to serve.



Individually or in a pair complete the following,

On a 25-minute clock,
Run 1.5 miles (2.4km)

Then with the remaining time, perform as many rounds as possible of:
11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
7 Hang cleans, 70kg (50kg)
7 Push presses, 70kg (50kg)

-Both athletes complete the run together.
-One bar, one load per team.
-Accumulate reps however between team members.

Post load, rounds and reps completed to comments.

WOD Friday 13/01/2017

For time:
20 Strict handstand push-ups
25 Box jumps, 30″ (24″)
30 Ring dips
25 Box jumps, 24″ (20″)
40 Plyometric push-ups
25 Box jumps, 20″ (16″)

Post heights and time to comments.

WOD Thursday 12/01/2016

A) 18mins to find your 2RM:
Front squat

-From the racks.

B) In teams of 2-3 complete the following,

2 Rounds for time of:
50 Calorie assault bike
100m Walking lunge, 2x24kg (2x16kg) kettlebells
300m Farmers carry, 2x24kg (2x16kg) kettlebells

Post loads and team time to comments.