WOD Tuesday 22/11/2016


-Reps do NOT have to be touch and go.

Post all ten working loads to comments.

WOD Monday 21/11/2016


As many rounds as possible in 20mins of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Kettlebell swings, 32kg (24kg)

Post load, rounds and reps completed to comments.


Beach WOD, Saturday 19/11/2016

Saturday mornings workout will be down at Bullcock beach 6am sharp!! We look forward to seeing you all there 🙂

WOD Friday 18/11/2016

A) 18mins to find your 2RM:
Split jerk

-From the racks.

B) 22-16-10 reps for time of:
Kettlebell snatch, 24kg (16kg)
Burpee over sandbag
200m Sandbag run, 25kg (15kg)

-Snatch reps must be evenly distributed (right and left side).

Post loads and time to comments.

WOD Thursday 17/11/2016


A) 15mins to work on November goals/skills.

-Choose 1-2 things to work on.

B) 5 Rounds for time of:
15 Chest to bar pull-ups
30 Alternating pistols

Post time to comments.


WOD Wednesday 16/11/2016

Complete heaviest loads for each set of the following,

10-1 Power clean ladder

-Reps do not have to be touch and go but pretty much immediate from the previous rep.
-Failed lifts do NOT get to be repeated and are marked with an F.

Post all ten loads to comments.

WOD Tuesday 15/11/2016

In pairs complete the following,

Working on the odd minutes and resting on the evens.

For time:
100m Handstand walk
125 Floor press, 2x24kg (2x16kg) kettlebells
150m Overhead barbell Walk, 70kg (50kg)

-One barbell and set of kettlebells per team.

Post loads and team time to comments.