WOD Monday 08/10/2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE HEADING!! Clean & jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 The lift is to be a squat clean and split jerk. Post loads for working sets to comments.

WOD Saturday 06/10/2018

“Chelsea” Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes perform: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats If you fall behind the clock, keep going for 30 minutes and see how many rounds you can complete. If you’ve finished the workout before, this time add…

WOD Friday 05/10/2018

A REMINDER THAT THERE IS NO BOXING THIS FRIDAY NIGHT. IT WILL RETURN ON FRIDAY 12TH OCTOBER, WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL THERE 🙂 “Partner WOD” For time: 100m Overhead lunge, 20kg (10kg) 75 Calorie bike 50 Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg) 10…

WOD Thursday 04/10/2018

As many rounds as possible in 10mins of:5 Power cleans, 93kg (61kg)10 Toes to bar Rx’d+ = 102kg (70kg) Post loads and time to comments.

WOD Wednesday 03/10/2018

4 Rounds for time: 10 Kettlebell clean and jerk, 24kg (16kg) Run 400m 20 Alternating dumbbell snatch, 22.5kg (15kg) Rx’d+ = 32kg (24kg) KB C&J, 25kg (17.5kg) DB snatch Post loads and time to comments.