WOD Wednesday 12/09/2018

For time: 100m Walking lunge 100 Push-ups 100 Medicine ball cleans, 10kg (6kg) 100 Pull-ups 100m Walking lunge Post load and time to comments.

WOD Tuesday 11/09/2018

What an awesome experience it was to be there for Traci and Sara’s first ever WOD together!! To think 2 years ago, Traci’s back issues were so severe that her long term goal was to be able to get out on a kayak and…

WOD Monday 10/09/2018

50-40-30-20-10 Reps for time of: Double unders Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg) Rx’d+ = 32kg (24kg) kettlebell Post load and time to comments.

WOD Saturday 08/09/2018

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BROWNEYE!! In teams of 2-3 complete the following, For time:Row 2km/ max reps burpees1.6km Sandbag run, 25kg (15kg)Row 2km/ max reps box-jumps 24″ (20″)1.6km Sandbag runRow 2km/ max reps deadball cleans, 35kg (25kg) In this workout, one athlete completes the row whilst…

WOD Friday 07/09/2018

4 Rounds for time of:16 Alternating barbell lunge, 60kg (42.5kg)25 Abmat sit-ups Rx’d+ = 70kg (47.5kg)/ GHD Sit-ups Post load and time to comments.