WOD Thursday 06/08/2018

7 Sets of the sequence: 1 Strict press 3 Push press 5 Push jerk Once the bar is taken from the racks it can NOT be lowered from the rack position during the set. Post loads for working sets to comments.

WOD Wednesday 05/09/2018

3 rounds for time of: 10 Dumbbell power snatches, left arm 10 Single-arm overhead squats, left arm 10 L pull-ups 10 Dumbbell power snatches, right arm 10 Single-arm overhead squats, right arm 10 L pull-ups Men: 25kg dumbbell Women: 15kg dumbbell Post load and…

WOD Tuesday 04/09/2018

A) Back squat5-5-5-5 -From the racks. B) Thruster2-2-2-2 -From the racks. C) L-Sit (x4) -Rings or P-bars Superset reps. Post loads and efforts (secs) to comments.

WOD Monday 03/09/2018

5 Rounds for time:5 Deadlifts, 125kg (85kg)15 Burpees Rx’d+ = 143kg (94kg) Post load and time to comments.

WOD Saturday 01/09/2018

“Nickman” Individually or in pairs complete the following, 10 Rounds for time of: 200m Farmers carry, 2x24kg (2x16kg) 10 Weighted pull-ups, 15kg (10kg) dumbbell 20 Alternating dumbbell snatch, 25kg (17.5kg) -Partition reps however between pair. Post loads and time to comments.