WOD Friday 06/07/2018

Regional Event 4 For time: 2 rounds of: 10 snatches, 77.5kg (55kg) 12 burpees over the bar Then, 2 rounds of: 10 snatches, 52.5kg (35kg) 12 burpees over the bar -Any variation of the snatch is acceptable. Post loads and time to comments.

WOD Thursday 05/07/2018

Individually or in pairs complete the following, “Regional Event 5” For time: 50 Handstand push-ups 50 Toes-to-bars 50 Cal. bike 50 Dumbbell box step-overs, 24″ (20″) 50 Ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge, 25kg (20kg) 50 Ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge -If working in pairs,…

WOD Wednesday 04/07/2018

3 Rounds for time of: 50 Medicine ball cleans, 10kg (6kg) Run 800m Post load and time to comments.

WOD Tuesday 03/07/2018

A) Max reps (x4): Strict handstand push-ups B) Max reps (x4): Strict pull-ups C) Max reps (x4): Push press, 60kg (42.5kg) -Bar taken from the deck. Superset reps. Post reps and load for each effort to comments.

WOD Monday 02/07/2018

EB smashing the last round of “Hotshots 19” As many rounds as possible in 10mins of: 10 Deadlifts, 125kg (85kg) 20 GHD sit-ups Post load, rounds and reps completed to comments.