WOD Wednesday 13/06/2018o

Everyone has a hero “Fight Gone Bad” 3 OR 5 rounds of: Wall-ball shots, 10kg (6kg) (reps) Sumo deadlift high pulls, 35kg (25kg) (reps) Box jumps, 20″ (16″) (reps) Push presses, 35kg (25kg) (reps) Row (calories) In this workout, you move from each of…

WOD Tuesday 12/06/2018

Sumo deadlift 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 -Reps are touch and go. Finisher: Max reps in 2 mins of: Burpees. Post loads and reps to comments.

WOD Monday 11/06/2018

A) 1 Max rep effort: Toes to bar B) 21-15-9 reps for time of: Overhead squat, 52.5kg (35kg) Toes to bar Rx’d+ = 60kg (42.5kg) Overhead squat Post load and time to comments.

Team WOD, Saturday 09/06/2018

U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Christopher “Otis” Raible, 40, of North Huntington, Pennsylvania, was killed by insurgents during an attack on Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, on Sept. 14, 2012. Raible joined the Marines in 1995, served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and was the commanding officer of…

WOD Friday 08/06/2018

7 sets of the sequence: 3 Power clean 2 Front squat 1 Jerk -Increment weight as you progress through the sets. -Reps must be touch and go through the power cleans. -Any variation of the jerk is acceptable. -Post loads for working sets to…