WOD SATURDAY 03/03/2018

In teams of 3-4, complete the following 20 min AMRAP: Max reps overhead squats, 52.5kg (35kg) 250m Farmers carry, 2 x 24kg kettlebells (2 x 16kg) FC station is the pacesetter. Once FC athlete comes back, rotate athletes to continue FC. Score will be…

WOD FRIDAY 02/03/2018

A REMINDER THAT 18.2 WILL BE RUNNING BETWEEN 4-6PM FRIDAY AND 8-9AM SATURDAY FOR THOSE NEEDING TO COMPLETE THEIR SUBMISSIONS. For time: 12 Muscle-ups Run 800m 9 Muscle-ups Run 400m 6 Muscle-ups Run 200m Post time to comments.

WOD THURSDAY 01/03/2018

3 rounds for time: 30 Toes to bar 15 Clean & jerk, 70kg (47.5kg) Post load and time to comments.

WOD WEDNESDAY 28/02/2018

“Nutts” For time: 10 Hand stand push ups 15 Deadlifts, 110kg (80kg) 25 Box jumps, 24″ (20″) 50 Pull ups 100 Wall ball shots, 10kg (6kg) 200 Double unders 400m Run, 20kg (10kg) plate (Andrew 18.56 rx’d, Ellie 28.31 rx’d) Post loads and time…

WOD TUESDAY 27/02/2018

A) Weighted chest to bar pull ups 1-1-1-1 B) Weighted push ups 2-2-2-2 C) Hip extensions 20-20-20-20 -Superset reps. -If you’re looking for an extra challenge for hip extensions, you can add a plate to increase difficulty. Post all working sets to comments.