Goodbye 2017, hello 2018!! A reminder that the box will be closed today, with only one session tomorrow at 7:30am. We hope you have had an awesome time celebrating everything that made your 2017 and here’s cheers to whatever 2018 has to offer!! Happy…

WOD Saturday 30/12/2017

A REMINDER THAT SESSION TIMES ARE SLIGHTLY VARIED FOR TODAY’S WOD. SESSION TIME IS 7am. “Andy” Individually or in pairs, complete the following for time: 25 Thrusters 52.5kg (35kg) 50 Box Jumps 24′ (20′) 75 Deadlifts 52.5kg (35kg) Run 2.4km 75 Deadlifts 50 Box…

WOD Friday 29/12/2017

A REMINDER THAT SESSION TIMES ARE SLIGHTLY VARIED FOR TODAY’S WOD. SESSION TIMES ARE 7:30am and 4pm. 2 Rounds each for time: 40 Calorie Row 40 Toes To Bar Post time for each round to comments.

WOD Thursday 28/12/2017

A REMINDER THAT SESSION TIMES ARE SLIGHTLY VARIED FOR TODAY’S WOD. SESSION TIMES ARE 7.30am and 5pm. A) Weighted Pull Ups 3-3-3-3-3 -Strict reps only. B) Weighted Dips 3-3-3-3-3 -Strict reps only. -Use rings, p-bars or p-lettes. Superset reps Post load for each working…

WOD Wednesday 27/12/2017

A REMINDER THAT SESSION TIMES ARE SLIGHTLY VARIED FOR TODAY’S WOD. SESSION TIMES ARE 7:30am and 5pm. For time: 50 Wallball Shots 10kg (6kg) 15 Cleans 60kg (42.5kg) 50 Wall Ball Shots 10 Cleans 50 Wall Ball Shots 5 Cleans Post load and time…