WOD Saturday 11/11/2017

LEST WE FORGET HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEW!! We thought it would be fitting to pay our respects to our current and past servicemen with a hero workout on Remembrance Day. It would be great to see everyone make the extra effort to come in and…

WOD Friday 10/11/2017

Incrementing ladder in 15mins of: 1 Ball slam, 35kg (25kg) 2 Toes to bar Increment ball slams by 1 rep and toes to bar by 2 reps each round. Post load and rep round completed to comments.

WOD Thursday 09/11/2017

A) Front squat 4-4-4-4 -From the racks. B) Push press 4-4-4-4 -From the racks. C) Strict ring dips -Superset reps. Post loads and reps completed for each set to comments.

WOD Wednesday 08/11/2017

CHALLENGE NUMBER 1 DONE AND DUSTED FOR THE “YOUR BEST SUMMER BODY” HEALTH AND FITNESS CHALLENGE!! 30-20-10 Reps for time of: Burpees Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg) Handstand walks (m) Post load and time to comments.

WOD Tuesday 07/11/2017

A REMINDER THAT THE BOX WILL NOT BE OPEN FOR PM SESSIONS TUESDAY DUE TO THE MELBOURNE CUP. ALL MORNING SESSIONS WILL RUN AS PER NORMAL. A) Hang power clean 5-5-5-5-5 B) Max reps:(Choose one of the following) GHD sit-ups Hip extensions Hollow rocks…