WOD Monday 06/11/2017

Second Lt. Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez, 23, was killed Sept. 12, 2006, when her Humvee was struck by an improvised explosive device as she was leading a convoy through Al Kifl, Iraq. She served in the 204th Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division…

WOD Saturday 04/11/2017

Safe travels to our small gang of 4551ers who are traveling down to watch the Crossfit invitational Sunday evening. Plenty of photos please 🙂 In pairs complete the following, Amrap in 20mins: 10 Calorie bike 10 Deficit push-ups 10 Kettlebell deadlifts, 2x24kg (2x16kg) Alternate…

WOD Friday 03/11/2017

For a hard earned thirst!! Jesse says goodbye to the beers as he enters the 30 day “Your best summer body” challenge this week. Good luck mate!! A) Overhead squats 5-5-5-5 -From the racks. B) Split jerk 1-1-1-1 -From the racks. Superset reps. Post…

WOD Thursday 02/11/2017

A) 10mins to set 1-2 November goals: -Realistic to your own ability. -Specific to what it is you’re trying to achieve. -Achievable within the month of November. *Please try and bring them to the gym with you 🙂 B) For time: 50 Snatch, (choose…

WOD Wednesday 01/11/2017

A) Clean 3-3-3-3 B) Amrap in 7mins of: 3 Wall walks, (nose to wall) 3 Cleans, 100kg (70kg) Post loads, rounds and reps completed to comments.