WOD Wednesday 18/01/2017

A) 16mins to find your 2RM: Weighted dip -Rings or P-bars. -Strict reps only. B) “Karen” For time and sets: 150 Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg) -For an extra challenge use, 15kg deadball or (10kg) medicine ball. Post loads, time and sets taken to comments.

WOD Tuesday 17/01/2017

A reminder that registrations are open for this years CFGO. We would love to see everyone get on board for the five weeks 🙂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!! 21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of: Deadlift, 100kg (75kg) Toes to bar Burpees Post load and time to…

WOD Monday 16/01/2017

Push jerk 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 -Bar taken from the racks. Post all seven loads for working sets to comments.

Team WOD, Saturday 14/01/2017

United States Army Capt. Benjamin David Tiffner, 31, of West Virginia, died Nov. 7, 2007, when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq, while he was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 1996, Tiffner was nominated by Senator Robert Byrd to…

WOD Friday 13/01/2017

For time: 20 Strict handstand push-ups 25 Box jumps, 30″ (24″) 30 Ring dips 25 Box jumps, 24″ (20″) 40 Plyometric push-ups 25 Box jumps, 20″ (16″) Post heights and time to comments.