WOD Friday 3/12/10


Five rounds for time:
7 Muscle-ups
21 reps Sumo-deadlift high-pull 42.5kg (30kg)

Post load and time to comments.

1LT Tyler E. Parten, 24, of Arkansas, died Sept. 10 in Konar province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, CO.

9 Comments on “WOD Friday 3/12/10

  1. 5.45am
    Lauren 15.45(25kg)
    Jayden 16.26(30kg)
    Cyn 14.12(20kg)
    Louise 13.54(20kg)mod-Sumo Deadlift
    Mim 11.18(20kg)

    Lyndal (30kg)
    Karen (30kg)
    Lockstock (42.5kg)
    Bec.C (20kg)

    10.30am .com
    Five rounds for time of:
    Row 500 meters (Sub for Run)
    60kg Thruster, 7 reps

    Mick 18.41 rxd

    Calippo skills
    Brucey 15.32 (42.5kg)
    Amanda 15.57 (20kg)
    Mel Z 15.57 (25kg)
    Lyndal skills
    Albert 14.47 (30kg)
    Mick skills
    Karen skills
    Rob T (welcome) skills
    Brad 12 min amrap 400m run 5 deadlift (160kg) 5 rounds + 100m

    Rob W 17.01 (42.5kg)
    Bek 10.35 (20kg)
    Tanya (welcome) 9.36 (20kg)
    Joe (welcome) 14.04 (30kg)
    Pam 13.40 (25kg)
    Giles 13.19 (42.5kg)
    Alana mod
    Blake 10.20 (20kg)
    Michelle 10.04 (30kg)
    Lara 16.22 (20kg)
    Gilli 12.04 (20kg)

  2. Trina this one’s for Milly (ha ha). Don’t forget to bring in USB

  3. I need to work on my endurance with EVERYTHING!! Far out, I struggle BIG time when there is any more than 5-10 reps!!

  4. And where are the 9.15 people or do we not count????

    • Yeah I so did that WOD and I remember because it damned near killed me! Go the 9.15 crew!

      • Yeah Lyndal it sure did! I was about 20 sec’s behind you but can’t remember the time.

  5. Sorry 9.15am crew, could u please post your times if u remember!

  6. sorry 9.15’ers that was my fault. I didnt realise you guys werent already up there…

  7. Wow!! What a welcome session!! Death by Tyler!! Thanks to Mick and Tamara for making our first session fun and informative. Feeling it today but can’t wait for the next session, see you guys Monday at 5:30. Cheers 🙂