WOD Saturday 04/12/10

Amrap 5mins:
40m Farmers Carry 40kg (20kg)
12 Kettlebell Snatch 24kg (16kg)
15 Boxjumps (24 inch)

30 second rest, then

Amrap 4mins:
20 Squats
10 Burpees

30 seconds rest, then

Amrap 3mins:
50m Sprint
8 Toes to Bar

Post total rounds and extra reps to comments.

4 Comments on “WOD Saturday 04/12/10

  1. 7am
    Lauren 193 reps
    Cliff 215 rxd
    Brucey 217 rxd
    Albert 201 reps
    Karen 197 reps
    Mel 178 reps
    Pam 212 reps
    Giles 210 reps

  2. What a session! My last saturday there for the next 5 weeks, and look forward to coming back to seeing all those lazy buggers who don’t get outta bed on a saturday morning at present cause I know you will all make a New Years resolution to just come do it – wont ya’s! ha ha ha

  3. 5 pushups
    10 squats
    15 sit ups
    20 double unders

    10 rounds for time
