WOD Thursday 09/03/2011

2 Rounds for time:

21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 42.5kg (30kg)
11 Burpee Muscle-Up (Bar)
21 Press 42.5kg (30kg)
Run 700m

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27 Comments on “WOD Thursday 09/03/2011

  1. Cant Wait.. 700m is a piece of cake after 5km πŸ˜‰

  2. Just registered for the Games, looking forward to it as part of CrossFit 4551 πŸ™‚

  3. 5.45am
    Lauren 22.45 (25kg)
    Cyn 22.04 (20kg)+(6kg DB)
    Shano.G 22.39 (35kg)
    Paul 25.21 (30kg)
    Mel 27.13 (20kg)

    Amrap 12mins:
    3 Press
    5 Back Squat 100kg

    Mick 6+3 (50kg+100kg)
    Cliff 7+3 (40kg+70kg)

    Amanda 17-17-18-17-17-17-18-17-17-17
    Cherise 25.55 (30kg)
    KC 29.25 (20kg)
    Ryno 18.55 (30kg)
    Karen 21.45 (25kg)
    Trina 35.10 (30kg)
    Richo 24.51 (30kg)
    Lynda 29.39 (25kg)

    Sara 25.12 (20+ 6kg DB)
    Dale 26.59 (42.5kg)
    Kendall 20.01 (25kg)
    Sheree 24.06 (20kg)
    Matt 17.43 (30kg) Mod
    Charlotte 24.06 (20kg)
    Liv 24.05 (20kg + 8kg DB)
    Paula 20.05 (20kg)
    Lyndal 18.09 (30kg)
    Prince 21.18 (25kg)
    Lee 20.54 (25kg)
    Amanda 20.42 (25kg)
    Brucey 25.23 (42.5kg)
    Tommy 22.53 (42.5kg)

    Nick 19.55 Rxd
    Aidan 19.02 (30kg)
    Tanya 20.26 (20kg)
    Smokin 17.52 (35kg)
    Gill 19.18 (20kg)
    Rob 19.33 (30kg)
    Beck 16.59 (20kg)

    Michelle.D 22.27 (20kg)
    Michelle.M 21.07 (25kg) Row
    Jaydos 24.25 (30kg)
    Alana 20.52 (30kg)

  4. Onya Lyndal! remember guys anyone can register!

    • I have registered – but only as a fan!!!!! Bet you nearly fell over when you read those first three words!


    I enter competitions to test myself and, also, for how it makes me feel. Quite simply, slap a number on my back or write it in Sharpie on my calf or my tricep and I am the Queen of All I Survey. I become, if only for a brief hour or two, like Teddy Roosevelt’s famous Man in the Arena:

    It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

    So I’m signed up for a CrossFit competition. Foolish? Maybe. But Albany is only a few hours’ drive away. I could make time for it or I could make excuses. I’m not ready. Maybe next year. I’m saving myself for the CrossFit Games in Aromas. It’s too far. I don’t have the entry fee. My cat needs a sponge bath. You get my point.

    In triathlons, we have a saying: DFL beats DNF beats DNS. Translation: Dead F***ing Last beats Did Not Finish beats Did Not Start.

    So get off your a** and sign up for your local CrossFit Challenge or the national CrossFit Games. Decide if you’re the Man in the Arena, or if you’re something less .

    • Your a pair of Irish machines roll on St Pat’s day

  6. I don’t mind saying it but that work out was a KILLER.

  7. And now we are enjoying a well deserved bottle of Red. Obviously
    This will be calculated as ‘excellent’ carbs as part of dinner as all good
    Crossfit’ers would understand πŸ™‚

    • Jesus Tommy you could potentially have 5 glasses of red if you are having your 5 block meal – so I guess you just ate your meat n fats ha ha ha. Onya mate!

  8. Lol go Tommy and Paula πŸ™‚ well deserved after that sucker πŸ™‚
    ENJOY πŸ™‚
    No rockn required tonight i think I will just slip into a coma πŸ™‚
    C u guys tomorrow

  9. And one more thing…I recommend everyone looks
    At the “Hannibal for King” video that Mick posted
    A few weeks ago. It shows how a muscle up on a
    Bar really should be done…

  10. Hey guys I just registered πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
    Bring it on πŸ™‚

    • I agree Nick that was awsome workout… thanks mick πŸ™‚

  11. Team Smanners just registered for the games….. oh oh πŸ™‚

  12. Well done to all today, great atmosphere and encouragement by all!!

    Nice effort on double wod Smithers!

  13. Owwwwwww my feet!!! Wish I had of had shoes on!