WOD Monday 10/07/2017

21-15-9 Reps for time of: Power snatch, 42.5kg (30kg) Box jump overs, 24″ (20″) Knees to elbows Post load and time to comments.   

WOD Saturday 08/07/2017

AGO Qualifier – WOD 1: Individually or in pairs complete the following, For time: 100 Dumbbell snatch, 22.5kg (15kg) 80 Calorie row 60 Bar facing burpees 40 Muscle-ups Post load and time to comments.

WOD Friday 07/07/2017

A) Front squat 3-3-3-3 -From the racks. B) Assault bike calorie test: 30 Calorie bike 20 Calorie bike 10 Calorie bike Rest as needed between efforts. Post loads and time for each effort to comments.

WOD Thursday 06/07/2017

As many rounds as possible in 20mins: 3 rounds of “Cindy” 50 Double unders Cycle for rounds and reps in the allocated time. Post rounds and reps completed to comments.   

WOD Wednesday 05/07/2017

A) 10mins to work on rope climbs: -Any variation is acceptable. B) For time: 15 Push press, (3/4 body weight) 5 Rope climb, (15ft) 12 Push press 4 Rope climbs 9 Push press 3 Rope climbs 6 Push press 2 Rope climbs 3 Push…