WOD Wednesday 07/06/2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDY.G!! A) Sumo deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 -Reps must be touch and go. B) “Tabata” 8 Intervals of 20secs of work followed by 10secs rest: 10m Shuttle run Sit-ups 1x10m shuttle = 1 rep. Post loads and total reps for each to comments.

WOD Tuesday 06/06/2017

5 Rounds for time of: 10 Push Press 60kg (42.5kg) 20 Double Unders Post load and time to comments.   

WOD Monday 05/06/2017

CF 4551 COMP SQUAD GETTING AFTER IT!! A) Power cleans 3-3-3-3-3 -Reps MUST BE touch and go. B) 3 Max rep effort attempts: Muscle-up -If you do not not have muscle ups, work m-up progressions. Post working loads and rep efforts to comments.

WOD Saturday 03/06/2017

Individually or in pairs complete the following, As many rounds as possible in 20mins of: Run 400m 40 Alternating dumbbell snatches, 22.5kg (15kg) 15 Burpees -Pairs run together and share the reps. Post load and time to comments.   

WOD Friday 02/06/2017

A REMINDER THAT THERE IS NO 4.15PM SESSION FRIDAY DUE TO THE CALOUNDRA SHOW HOLIDAY, ALL MORNING SESSIONS WILL RUN AS USUAL. 10 Sets of the complex: 1 Hang power snatch 1 Hang snatch 1 Overhead squat -Increment load each set. -Reps do not…