WOD Monday 22/05/2017

“CrossFit Total” Back Squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Deadlift, 1 rep You have a maximum of three attempts at each lift. First attempt should be a guaranteed lift to get on the board. Second lift should be challenging lift but with high…

Team WOD, Saturday 20/05/2017

Individually or in teams of 2 complete the following, Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 4 Power Snatch, 50kg (35kg) 8 Push-ups 12 Squats *Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. -Rx’d+ 60kg (42.5kg). -Alternate stations if working with a partner….

WOD Friday 19/05/2017

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOSH.K!! For time: 50 Handstand push-ups 50 L-Pull-ups 50 Sumo deadlift high pull, 42.5kg (30kg) 50 Inverted burpees 50 Knees to elbows 50 Calorie bike Post load and time to comments.

WOD Thursday 18/05/2017

A) 20mins to find your 8RM: Bench press B) In teams of 3-4 complete the following, Max distance(m)/ rep effort in 15mins of: Athlete 1: Rest Athlete 2: (Pacesetter) Row, 500m (400m) Athlete 3: Bench press, 60kg (40kg) -A changeover must be made after…

WOD Wednesday 17/05/2017

A) 15mins to work on May goals, skills or goats. -Come in prepared, no what you want to achieve!! B) 4 Rounds for time of: 15 Box jumps, 36″ (30″) Run 400m Post time to comments.