WOD Friday 24/03/2017

A REMINDER THAT THERE IS NO 7.30AM/9.15AM/ 11AM CFGO SESSIONS FRIDAY THIS WEEK. ALL SESSIONS INCLUDING THE FRIDAY 4.15PM (OPEN GYM) WILL RETURN FROM NEXT WEEK. A) 15mins to find your 3RM: Weighted dip -Rings or p-bars. -Strict reps only. B) 10-1 reps for…

WOD Thursday 23/03/2017

A REMINDER THERE IS NO 7.30AM/9.15AM/11AM (CFGO OPEN) SESSIONS THIS FRIDAY!! A) 20mins to work March goals, skills or goats. B) 12min Amrap of: 10 Deficit Handstand push-ups, 2x20kg Alphafit plates (2x10kg) black plates 15 Calorie Row or Bike (choose one) 20 Alternating pistols…

WOD Wednesday 22/03/2017

17.4 got Andree feeling like… A) 18mins to find your 7RM: Sumo deadlift -Reps are touch and go. B)EMOTM for 9mins: 3 Front squats, 42.5kg (30kg) 6 Sumo deadlift high pull, 42.5kg (30kg) 9 Push press, 42.5kg (30kg) -rx’d+ 52.5kg (35kg)/ rx’d++ 60kg (42.5kg)…

WOD Tuesday 21/03/2017

Welcome back JFK!! In pairs complete the following, Max reps in 3 minutes of: Buy in with: 20 Power cleans, 60kg (42.5kg) With remaining time in the three minutes perform max reps of: Knees to elbows *Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of…

WOD Monday 20/03/2017

WELCOME COACH HAYLES!! Crossfit 4551 would like to announce and welcome the newest member of our coaching staff in Hayley Woodhead. Hayley has been doing crossfit at 4551 for 5 years so she is already very familiar with the majority of our members and…