Team WOD, Saturday 17/12/2016

MIn teams of 2-3 complete the following, For time: 1000m Row 1000m Farmers carry, 2x24kg (2x16kg) kettlebells 100 Weighted sit-ups, 10kg (5kg) plate 800m Row 800m Farmers carry 80 Weighted sit-ups 600m Row 600m Farmers carry 60 Weighted sit-ups 400m Row 400m Farmers carry…

WOD Friday 16/12/2016

21-18-15-12-9 reps for time: Split jerk, 60kg (42.5kg) Double unders x 3 Post load and time to comments.      

WOD Thursday 15/12/2016

Sgt. Jonathan Stuart “Hollywood” Hollingsworth, 35, of Rotherham, Yorkshire, England, was killed on Nov. 23, 2006, during a mission in Basra, Iraq. At the time of his death, he was serving with the D Squadron, 22nd SAS Regiment, in the British Army. He received…

WOD Wednesday 14/12/2016

Trevaa!! HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY MICHELLE!! Thruster 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 -From the racks. Post all seven working loads to comments.

WOD Tuesday 13/12/2016

“Partner WOD” 14 rounds for time of: 10 Toes to bar 20 Russian swings, 32kg (24kg) -Alternate rounds with your partner. -One KB per team. Post load and team time to comments.