WOD Friday 06/12/2017

“Partner WOD” As many rounds as possible in 21mins of: 60 Kettlebell swings, 24kg (16kg) 40 Burpee box jump overs, 24″ (20″) 20 Toes to bar -Partition reps however between team members. -Only one athlete works at one time. Post load, rounds and reps…

WOD Thursday 05/01/2017

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Post all seven working sets to comments.

WOD Wednesday 04/01/2017

WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!! THE FULL TIMETABLE STARTS BACK WEDNESDAY, COME IN AND MOVE YOU WILL FEEL A HELL OF A LOT BETTER 🙂 3 Rounds for time of: 100 Double unders 5 Rope ascents, 15ft Run 400m Post time to comments.   

Tuesday 03/01/2017, BOX CLOSED!!

WELCOME BACK!! Prepare yourself and get straight back into the swing of it. The longer you leave it the harder it always is to get going. For the guys that have NOT trained in a while, come in and just move!! Give yourself a…

Monday 02/01/2017, BOX CLOSED!!

Hope everyone has had a great break and is ready to get back into the swing of things on Wednesday, we can’t wait to see you all 🙂