WOD Tuesday 26/09/2017

5 Rounds for max reps of:
1min: Calorie row
1min: Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg)
1min: Sumo deadlift high pull, 35kg (25kg)
1min: Rest

Post loads and reps completed for each station to comments.

WOD Monday 25/09/2017

A) Hang snatch

B) Hang clean

Complete all sets of the snatch before moving to the cleans.

-Both movements are taken from the top of the knee.

Post all loads for working sets to comments.

WOD Saturday 23/09/2017

Army Sgt. Patrick Hawkins, 25, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was killed on Oct. 6, 2013, while conducting a special operations mission in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Hawkins was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment of Fort Benning, Georgia.

Hawkins’ friends and fellow service members remember his enthusiasm for CrossFit. He often used CrossFit training with his Fire Team and particularly enjoyed wearing weighted body armor during his workouts.

Hawkins is survived by his wife, Brittanie; and parents, Roy and Sheila.


Individually or in pairs complete the following,

6 rounds for time:
25 pull-ups
50-ft. front-rack lunge, 35kg (25kg)
25 push-ups
50-ft. front-rack lunge, 35kg (25kg)

If you have a 10kg vest, wear it.

Post load and time to comments.

WOD Friday 22/09/2017

A) Sumo deadlift

B) Amrap in 7mins:
Wall facing burpees 6″ (4″) target

-Must complete your burpee facing the wall, the jump can be done side on if you like.

Post loads and reps completed to comments.

WOD Thursday 21/09/2017

Sorry for the hair cut boys 😉

A) 15mins to work on:
Handstand push-ups

B) 21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups
Dumbbell hang cleans, 22.5kg (15kg) dumbbells

Rx’d+ deficit HSPU’s/ 25kg (17.5kg)

Post load and time to comments.

WOD Wednesday 20/09/2017


10 x 1min rounds of:
3 Thrusters, 75kg (50kg)
Sprint 50m
Max reps, toes to bar

Rest precisely 2mins between rounds.

Post load and toes to bar reps completed for each round to comments.

WOD Tuesday 19/09/2017

A) Muscle snatch

B) Power snatch

C) Snatch

Try increment loads across all sets.

Post all working sets to comments.