WOD Friday 26/05/2017

“Partner WOD”

As many rounds as possible in 15mins of:
10 Push-ups
10m Weighted lunge, 2x25kg (2x15kg) dumbbells

-Alternate rounds with partner.

WOD Thursday 25/05/2017

6-9-12-9-6 reps for time:
Burpees over the bar
Push press, 60kg (42.5kg)
Calorie row


4 attempts at a 1RM:
Weighted dip

-Rings or p-bars.

Post loads and time to comments.

WOD Wednesday 24/05/2017

6 Rounds for time:
200m Sandbag run, 25kg (15kg)
6 Power cleans, 70kg (50kg)
12 Box jump overs, 24″ (20″)
6 Front squats, 70kg (50kg)

Rx’d+ 30kg (20kg) SB, 80kg (60kg) PC+FS.

-One load, one bar per person.

Post loads and time to comments.


WOD Tuesday 23/05/2017

A) 15mins of handstand and muscle-up practice:

-Choose one that best suits your ability.

B) 5 Rounds for time:
10 Kettlebell clean and jerk, 2x24kg (2x16kg)
3 Muscle-ups

Post load and time to comments.


WOD Monday 22/05/2017

“CrossFit Total”

Back Squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

You have a maximum of three attempts at each lift. First attempt should be a guaranteed lift to get on the board. Second lift should be challenging lift but with high percentage chance of making it. Third attempt is go for gold. Think about your opening attempt for each of the three lifts, and turn up to the gym with a warmup plan to hit those numbers. You will have about 5-6 warmup sets before first attempt at Back Squat, 2-3 warmup sets for Press, and 3-4 warmup sets for Deadlift. Managing your time is very important in this workout. You have 20 mins for Back Squat, 10 mins for Press, and 15 minutes for Deadlift.

Warmup schedule for Back Squat:
3 x 50%
3 x 50%
2 x 75%
1 x 85%
1 x 90%
1 x 95%

Warmup schedule for Press:
3 x 50%
2 x 75%
1 x 90%

Warmup schedule for Deadlift
1 x 60%
1 x 75%
1 x 85%
1 x 90%

Plan out your numbers using the above schedule before you hit the session.

Post loads for each exercise and total to comments.

Team WOD, Saturday 20/05/2017

Individually or in teams of 2 complete the following,

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
4 Power Snatch, 50kg (35kg)
8 Push-ups
12 Squats

*Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

-Rx’d+ 60kg (42.5kg).
-Alternate stations if working with a partner.

Post rounds and reps completed for each of the 5 cycles.

WOD Friday 19/05/2017


For time:
50 Handstand push-ups
50 L-Pull-ups
50 Sumo deadlift high pull, 42.5kg (30kg)
50 Inverted burpees
50 Knees to elbows
50 Calorie bike

Post load and time to comments.