WOD Tuesday 09/04/2024


6 Rounds for time:
24 Air squats
24 Push-ups
24 Walking lunge
Run 400m

(Ryno 20.13 rx’d, Britt 24.52 rx’d – 14/07/15)

Post time and options to comments.

WOD Monday 08/04/2024

A) Every 2mins x 7rds:
7-1 reps, Strict press

-From the racks.

B) 3 x 3min Amreps:
150m Overhead sandbag carry, 25kg (15kg)
Max reps, kettlebell movement, 24kg (16kg)

Round 1: Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull
Round 2: Kettlebell russian swings
Round 3: Kettlebell american swings

Rest precisely 1min between rounds.

Rx’d+ = 30kg (20kg) SB/ 32kg (24kg) KB
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 20kg (12kg) KB
Masters 60yrs+ = 20kg SB (10kg) MB/ 16kg (10kg) KB

Post loads (A), total reps completed (B) and options to comments.

WOD Saturday 06/04/2024

“The Mind Grind”

In pairs complete the following,

E2MOM 36mins for reps:
Wallball shots, 9kg to 10ft (6kg to 9ft)
Box-jumps, 24″ (20″)
Clean and jerk, 60kg (42.5kg)
Wall walks
Burpee bar touch, (2 hands)

*Only one athlete may work at any one time.

Rx’d+ = 30″ (24″) BJ/ 70kg (47.5kg) C&J
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 20″ (16″) BJ/ 52.5kg (35kg) C&J
Masters 60yrs+ = 6kg to 10ft (4kg to 9ft) WBS/ BJ 16″ (12″) Box step-up/ 42.5kg (30kg) C&J

Post total reps completed and options to comments.

WOD Friday 05/04/2024

A) Every 4mins x 7rds:
5 Deadlifts

-Reps must be touch and go.

B) Choose ONE exercise and perform a max effort after each deadlift set:
Option 1: Plank hold
Option 2: Hollow rocks
Option 3: Evil wheels
Option 4: L-sit hold, (rings or P-bars)

Post loads, effort and option for each set to comments.

WOD Thursday 04/04/2024

“Big Horse”

For time:
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps:
Echo bike calories

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps:
Weighted pull-ups, 22.5kg (15kg)

*Kipping is permitted with the dumbbell.

Rx’d+ = 25kg (17.5kg)
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 15kg (7kg)
Masters 60yrs+ = Jumping pull-ups, (6″)

Post time and options to comments.

WOD Wednesday 03/04/2024

A) Every 3mins x 5rds:
4 Back squats + 2 Front squats

-From the racks. Rack and re-rack barbell for the FS reps immediately.

B) Amrap in 10mins:
10 Hang power cleans, 60kg (42.5kg)
25 Push-ups

*Complete 50 Double unders every 2.30mins – (0:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30min marks).

Rx’d+ = 70kg (42.5kg) HPC/ Deficit push-ups, 2 x 20kg (2 x 10kg) alphafit plates
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 52.5kg (35kg) HPC
Masters 60yrs+ = 42.5kg (30kg) HPC/ Single unders

Post loads, rounds, reps completed and options to comments.

WOD Tuesday 02/04/2024


“The Misfits”

Find a split time for each section:
10 Rounds for time:
50m Medicine ball sprint, 9kg (6kg)
5 Knees to elbows

5 Rounds for time:
10 Abmat sit-ups
10 Hip extensions or Supermans

3 Rounds for time:
25 Medicine ball cleans, 9kg (6kg)
25 Box-jumps, 24″ (20″)

Score = split times for each section.

Rx’d+ = GHD sit-ups/ 30″ (24″) BJ
Masters 50yrs+/ Teens = 20″ (16″) BJ
Masters 60yrs+ = 6kg (4kg) MB/ Hanging knee raises/ Supermans (on abmat)/ 16″ (12″) Box step-up

Post split times for each section and options to comments.