WOD Saturday 30/09/2017

DUE TO MONDAY’S PUBLIC HOLIDAY (02/10/2017) THE BOX WILL BE CLOSED!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DALE “KEFFY” AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUE FOR TOMORROW!! Individually or in pairs complete the following, 4 Rounds for time of: 30 Push-ups 20 Front squats, 52.5kg (35kg) 20 Push press,…

WOD Friday 29/09/2017

As many rounds as possible in 20mins of: 2 Rope ascents, 15ft 20 Alternating pistols 40 Double unders Post rounds and reps completed to comments.

WOD Thursday 28/09/2017

A) Thruster 3-3-3-3-3 -Bar taken from the deck. -First rep can be a cluster movement. B) Max reps: Muscle-ups (rings) -Superset reps. Post loads and max rep efforts completed to comments.

WOD Wednesday 27/09/2017

For time: Run 400m 40 Dumbbell snatch, 22.5kg (15kg) 30 Knees to elbow Run 400m 30 Dumbbell snatch 20 Knees to elbow Run 400m 20 Dumbbell snatch 10 Knees to elbow Post load and time to comments.

WOD Tuesday 26/09/2017

5 Rounds for max reps of: 1min: Calorie row 1min: Wallball shots, 10kg (6kg) 1min: Sumo deadlift high pull, 35kg (25kg) 1min: Rest Post loads and reps completed for each station to comments.