WOD Saturday 26/08/2017

HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY TO A LEGEND AND OUR MOST MATURE MEMBER OF CF 4551 – HERB!! In teams of 2-3 complete the following, 5 rounds for time of: 60 Box-jump overs, 24″ (20″) 30 Calorie bike -Only one athlete can work at one time….

WOD Friday 25/08/2017

7rds each for time of: 7 Dumbbell power clean, 22.5kg (15kg) 7 Dumbbell push press, 22.5kg (15kg) 14 Burpees onto plate, (old school 10kg plate) Rest as needed between rounds. -Rx’d+ = 25kg (17.5kg) -One set of dumbbells per person. Post load and seven…

WOD Thursday 24/08/2017

As many rounds as possible in 15mins of: 30 Air squats 20 Handstand push-ups 10 Deadlifts, 102.5kg (70kg) Post load, rounds and reps completed to comments.

WOD Wednesday 23/08/2017

Perform 7 sets of the sequence: 1 Power snatch 2 Hang snatch 3 Snatch balance -Once the bar is taken from the deck it can not be lowered until all six reps have been completed. Post loads for each of the seven working sets…

WOD Tuesday 22/08/2017

A) 15mins to work on pull-up technique: -Strict -Kipping -Butterfly *Work chest to bar pull-ups if butterfly is a strength for you. B) “Jackie” For time: Row 1km 50 Thrusters, 20kg (15kg) 30 Pull-ups Post load and time to comments.