WOD Wednesday 19/10/2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORDY!! “Freestyle Fran” 45 reps of each for time: Thrusters, 42.5kg (30kg) Pull-ups Partition as needed to complete 45 reps of each exercise as quickly as possible. OR “Fran” 21-15-9 reps for time of: Thrusters, 42.5kg (30kg) Pull-ups Post load, time and…

WOD Tuesday 18/10/2016

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 -From the racks. Record all seven working sets to comments.      

WOD Monday 17/10/2016

In pairs complete the following, As many rounds as possible in 20mins: 5 Burpees over the bar 10 Hang power cleans, 60kg (42.5kg) 15 Jumping alternating lunges -Alternate rounds with partner. -Only one athlete works at one time. Post load, rounds and reps completed…

Team WOD, Saturday 15/10/2016

In pairs complete the following, 3 Rounds for time of: 50 Ring dips 100 Box jumps, 24″ (20″) 150 Double unders -Distribute reps however between your team. -One athlete works at one time. Post team time to comments.

WOD Friday 14/10/2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NICK “WOGBOY” ZANKI!! NO FRIDAY 5.30PM SESSION!! Guys due to little to no attendance and interest of the Friday 5.30pm session, we will be canning it until we have more interest in future. The 4.15pm “Open gym” will still run as…