WOD Thursday 13/10/2016

A) 20mins to find your 5RM: Bench press B) 4 Rounds each for time: 250m Row or bike -Rest as needed between efforts. Post load and each effort to comments.

WOD Wednesday 12/10/2016

REGIONALS 2011, CROSSFIT 4551 PLACED 14TH OVERALL!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYLEY.P!! “Holleyman” Individually or in teams of 2 complete, 30 Rounds for time: 5 Wallball shots, 10kg (5kg) 3 Handstand push-ups 1 Power clean, 100kg (75kg) -In teams, alternate rounds with partner. Post load and…

WOD Tuesday 11/10/2016

“CrossFit Total” Back Squat, 1 rep Shoulder Press, 1 rep Deadlift, 1 rep You have a maximum of three attempts at each lift. First attempt should be a guaranteed lift to get on the board. Second lift should be challenging lift but with high…

WOD Monday 10/10/2016

A) 15mins to work October goals, skills and goats. -Have 1-2 exercises ready to go. B) 15min Amrap: 150m Sandbag run, 25kg (15kg) 15 Burpees -Sandbag station is worth 15reps. Post total load and total reps completed to comments.   

Team WOD, Saturday 08/10/2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE.HE!! Individually or in pairs complete the following, 16 rounds for time: 16m One arm dumbbell overhead lunge (8m each hand), 25kg (20kg) 8 Toes to bar 8 Alternating Dumbbell snatch, 25kg (20kg) 16m Waiters carry (8m each hand), 25kg (20kg) dumbbells…