WOD Tuesday 14/12/10

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Finisher: Max reps in 10mins: Wallball 10kg (5kg) Every time ball drops to the ground perform: 12m Farmers Carry 2x 60kg (40kg) Barbells Post load and total reps to comments. Happy Birthday Michelle!!

WOD Monday 13/12/10

Perform reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of the couplet: Sumo Deadlift High Pull 35kg (25kg) Push Press 35kg (25kg) Post load and time to comments. Karen training in Canada at Crossfit Whistler!!

WOD Saturday 11/12/10

In teams of 1 or 2 Complete: Run 800m 100 Dumbell Push Press 100 Dumbell Hang Power Clean 100 Dumbell Lunge Run 800m Each station must be completed before moving to the next. Only one person to work at onetime. Weight for individual or…

WOD Friday 10/12/10

Squat Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Finisher, both for time: “Grace” 30 Clean and Jerk 60kg (40kg) or “Heavy Grace” 30 Squat Clean and Jerk 70kg (50kg) Post load and time to comments.

WOD Thursday 09/12/10

3 Rounds for time: 50 Double-Unders 25 Kettlebell swings 32kg (24kg) 15 Wallball 10kg (5kg) Post load and time to comments